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Who won Jeopardy! tonight? November 15, 2022, Tuesday

Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions (ToC) 2022 returned with a new finale episode on Tuesday, November 15, 2022. It featured the second game after Andrew He won Game 1 on Monday.

The finalists of this year’s tournament include:

  • Andrew He, a software developer from San Francisco, California (5 wins, $28,627 average score).
  • Amy Schneider, a writer from Oakland, California (40 wins, $34,205 average score).
  • Sam Buttrey, an associate professor of operations research at the Naval Postgraduate School from Pacific Grove, California (Professors Tournament champion).

The player with three wins in the final games will be declared the Tournament of Champions. As per the show’s website, the tournament might feature up to seven games in the finals to allow a player to win three games.

Today’s Jeopardy! winner is Amy Schneider

Andrew He won the first game of the finale on Monday and was leading in today’s episode as well. However, his luck ran out in the final round.

In the first round of the November 15 episode, the categories included “Zoom Backgrounds Of Historic People, USA, Facts & Figures, Playing The Hits Of 2022, What Can I Bring In My Carry On?, Jeoportmanteau!.”

All three players started off quite well until Andrew found the first Daily Double and doubled up his wagering amount. He also gave the highest number of correct answers, which took his total score to $9,200. Amy Schneider delivered eight correct answers with zero incorrect responses, banking $4,600. Sam Buttrey earned $2,200 in round 1 by delivering seven correct and two incorrect answers.

In the second round, the categories were “First-Time Responses, A Little Peace Of History, Now Streaming On Dumont+, Late 20Th Century Books, Talkin’ Econ, Champion Words.”

A nail-biting match was witnessed in the Double Jeopardy round. Amy landed in second place because she fell short of $1,000. She found a Daily Double, but her wagering amount was not enough to surpass Andrew’s total. The latter’s score jumped high as he also found a Daily Double in round 2. Amy’s score going into the final round was $22,200, while Andrew banked $23,200. Sam was in third place with a total of 15 correct answers and a score of $9,400.

The Final Jeopardy changed the game entirely. Although none of the players delivered the correct answer to the final question, Andrew’s overconfidence landed him in third place. He wagered almost his entire earnings of Tuesday’s episode, while Amy wagered $1,100 and Sam wagered $0. With Andrew at the bottom of the scoreboard, Amy landed first place, followed by Sam in second.

Hence, Amy Schneider won Jeopardy! today.

Amy Schneider: Tonight's winner (Image via jeopardamy/Instagram)

Final Jeopardy! results today

The category for the final round of the November 15 episode was “Name’s The Same.” The final clue or question read:

“Name shared by a Victorian novelist & an 1805 flagship captain whose name is heard in a famous phrase.”

The correct response to the final question was “Thomas Hardy.”

None of the players were able to answer it correctly. While Sam and Andrew wrote “Gridley,” Amy guessed “Nelson.”

Take a look at the final results of Game 2 of Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions 2022:

Amy Schneider: $22,200 – $1,100 = $21,100 (What is Nelson?) (1 win)

Sam Buttrey: $9,400 – $0 = $9,400 (What is Gridley?) (0 wins)

Andrew He: $23,200 – $21,201 = $1,999 (What is Gridley?) (1 win)

With today’s results, Amy and Andrew are in a tie. If one of them wins two more games, then he/she will be the winner of the ToC 2022.

To note, Amy is the highest scorer of season 38 with 40 wins to her credit. Only time will tell whether her streak will work in the finals.

Hosted by Ken Jennings, the next episode/Game 3 will air on Wednesday, November 16, 2022.

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