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Who is Steve Harvey's bodyguard? All about William Big Boom Freeman amid Marjorie Harvey divorce cla

American television host Steve Harvey's wife, Marjorie Harvey, has been accused of allegedly cheating on the star with his bodyguard William 'Big Boom' Freeman. As per news outlet GHPage, Marjorie has supposedly filed for divorce and has demanded $200 million from the star.

This comes hours after the 66-year-old star made a controversial tweet asking his fans to name a comedian who does not make them laugh. He revealed that the tweet was shared by his social media manager and they were fired straight away after sharing the distasteful tweet. As per media outlet Marca, he wrote:

"Somebody that works for me on my Twitter put a statement out that was totally negative. I gotta take responsibility for it 'cause they work for me, but the engagement was talking about 'name a comedian you don't think is funny.' Why would I do something like that? That don't even make no damn sense."

While he clarified that he did not post it, the star is still trending on Twitter on the alleged claims that his wife, Marjorie, has filed for divorce amidst the rumors of her alleged affair with Steve Harvey's bodyguard, William 'Big Boom' Freeman.

All you need to know about Steve Harvey's bodyguard, William 'Big Boom' Freeman

William 'Big Boom' Freeman has been a longtime bodyguard of Steve Harvey. He is based out of Texas. As per his website, IAmBigBoom, he labels himself as a "celebrated relationship speaker, author and celebrity bodyguard."

His profile bio further read:

“He has provided for his celebrity clients conspicuous or inconspicuous protective services depending on the threat or potential hazards to the client. His ability to protect his client lies in the ability to immediately assess and evaluate a threat or conflict and avoid a confrontation or diffuse it before it escalates. He is implementing the same protection of his celebrity clients, to protect the 'hearts of women.'"

Freeman had been employed by Harvey for several years, even before he met his current wife Marjorie. He also serves as Steve's private chef and a radio personality. As per reports, Steve Harvey's bodyguard convinced him that Marjorie was the right woman for him before they got married.

However, the bodyguard reportedly had a dark past before he got famous for bodyguarding Steve Harvey. In 2017, several news outlets including RadarOnline shared that William was a former pimp who used to brag about his past and abuse women.

His website bio also mentions that as a pimp, he “preyed on women to gain a sense of power and self.”

Even though he says his bad boy days are over, Steve's ex-wife Mary says in her latest lawsuit that he still does Steve's dirty work. For example, she says he forced the star's son Wynton to drop out of college in Florida and move back to Chicago in 2015.

As of writing, Steve Harvey has not commented on the rumors surrounding his marriage.

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