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sMothered fans ask Angelica to kick Sunhe out of her life

Episode 6 of sMothered Season 4 aired tonight on TLC. Sunhe asked Angelica why she was still with Jason and advised her to move out of his house so that she and Angelica could be together.

Angelica was afraid of her daughter growing up without a father and asked her mother why she wanted her daughter to live as a single mother. Sunhe said that she wanted Angelica to have a good partner as she often felt that Angelica felt pressured to please everyone with her choices.

She later discussed their relationship problems with Jason on the same day they were supposed to get married. As a result, Angelica broke her engagement with Jason because of her mother. She defended her mother, saying Sunhe did all the household work and cared for their daughter. However, Jason pointed out that their daughter also preferred Sunhe's presence over Angelica's and how things felt lighter when Sunhe was not home.

Jason asked Angelica to choose between her mother and her relationship. Angelica said she did not want to make a decision and left the conversation midway.

sMothered fans felt that Jason was right as Sunhe interrupted Angelica's life repeatedly. They asked Angelica to kick Sunhe out.

sMothered fans react as Sunhe advises her daughter to find a better partner than Jason

sMothered fans took to Twitter to advise Angelica to establish boundaries with Sunhe because she was grooming her granddaughter.

What happened on sMothered tonight?

Tonight on sMothered, Kathy taunted Cristina for not teaching her daughters how to cook meatballs. She blamed Cristina's pizza parlor for the same and advised her to spend more time with her daughters. She later fought with Carlo about the same and said she had changed her mind about the expansion project.

Carlo said that all of their problems were because of Kathy. Following this, Cristina defended her mother. However, Carlo stormed out of the house shortly after.

Dawn got out of the pool at her daughter's house and cried, saying she wanted the best for her daughter. For the fall, she blamed Sherry, who later drove them to their house.

The episode description reads,

"Jared's stepmom gloats after pushing an overbearing Dawn in the pool. A meddling Kathy starts big trouble between Cristina and Carlo. Francia's friends are shocked by Paula's possessiveness. Angelica is forced to choose between her mom and Jason."

Paula and Francia performed salsa together in front of their daughters. Francia discussed Paula interrupting her date with her friends. She said she would kick Paula out of her home if she did not get along well with Alejandra. In a video call, Alejandra told Francia that she wanted to be there with her, and Francia asked her to wait two months for the adoption paperwork to be completed.

Francia decided to fly to Colombia to meet Alejandra and acceralate the paperwork proceedings. As a result, Paula was shocked as to why her mother was leaving her alone.

sMothered airs on TLC every Monday at 9 pm ET.

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