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Olivia Cooke on replacing Emily Carey on House of the Dragon: I wish she was more rubbish

I’ve been watching House of the Dragon and am four episodes in so far. (There are no major spoilers in this post, but there are some minor ones.) I can’t stop watching it, but I don’t care about anyone. I wouldn’t mind if any of the main characters died violent deaths. Everyone is despicable in their own way, and I only feel sorry for the hapless characters who are introduced just to die in the same episode. Two major characters are being replaced by other actors as the show jumps ten years from episode four to five. Rhaenyra, first played by Milly Alcock, gets replaced by Emma D’Arcy and Queen Alicent, Emily Carey, is now Olivia Cooke. I know Cooke from one of my favorite underrated shows, Bates Motel. I’ve also seen her in The Sound of Metal, Thoroughbreds (RIP Anton Yelchin) and Ready Player One. Honestly I had no idea that she was British until I saw her interview with Jimmy Kimmel recently. Cooke told Kimmel that she was hung over terribly her first day on set after partying with Alan Carr, and that she didn’t want to replace Emily Carey since she’s talented.

On coming in to House of the Dragon a few episodes in
Emily Carey, who’s an amazing actor, I wish she was a bit more rubbish at her job. So then I could go in and be like ‘don’t worry guys I’ve got this.’ But no everyone is going to be devastated. She did know she was going to be replaced.

On getting blackout drunk the night before her first day on set
Alan Carr… invited me to be on [his] podcast and I was very excited and my call time the next day was until 11. So I brought a bottle of wine just as a gesture and the podcast finished… he’s telling me loads of gossip but I’m like ‘more wine’. I don’t remember getting home. I remember I tipped my head down to put my hair in a pony [and] fell over. Then I woke up the next day and I had a chip in my tooth. No one knew on set until now.

[From Jimmy Kimmel Live on YouTube]

Getting blackout drunk and forgetting how you got home and chipped a tooth isn’t the best story to tell on a talk show. Cooke is an excellent actress though and I will watch her on House of the Dragon. It’s not a hate watch exactly because it’s an entertaining show and I’m not mad at the writing as much as I dislike everyone on it. I think a hate watch means the show is terrible, right? I do feel robbed somewhat of Alicent and Rhaenyra, but that’s the nature of this show. I’m sure I’ll adjust to the new actresses within a few minutes once I watch this.

As for the new actresses, Emily Carey told the Official Game of Thrones HBO Podcast that she and Milly Alcock were advised not to talk to the women playing the older versions of their characters “because it is like we’re literally playing completely different people. 10 years is a really long time, you know?” Emily is 19! Ten years is a long time at 19 but when you’re ten years older than that it feels like it goes by in a blip. I’m not a completely different person than I was even 20 years ago, everyone evolves but I’m still at my core the same.

photos credit: Cover Images, and HBO via Instagram
