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Lola - Baby Name Meaning, Origin, and Popularity

A hot starbaby name – chosen by Kelly Ripa, Chris Rock, Lisa Bonet, Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen, Carnie Wilson, and Annie Lennox, and used as the nickname of Madonna's Lourdes – Lola manages to feel fun and sassy without going over the top. Be warned, though: "Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets," to quote a song from the show Damn Yankees.

In the past, Lola has been associated with such femmes fatale as the nineteenth century courtesan/dancer Lola Montez (born Elizabeth Rosanna), the Marlene Dietrich character Lola Lola in The Blue Angel and Jean Harlow's in Bombshell. And it's the title of a great Kinks song: L-O-L-A Lola.

Lola is one of the most truly international Spanish name for girls, enjoying mass popularity around the world. It's also one of the hottest girl names starting with L.
