Esther the Wonder Pig is no ordinary pig. She is a social media celebrity with over 1.3 million followers, appearing in countless articles and news segments. She is also an animal rights spokes-pig, an animal sanctuary founder and a published author.

Esther’s story and rise to fame started in the summer of 2012. This is when her humans Derek and Steve were contacted by a friend looking to find a baby mini pig a home.They got Esther when she was only four pounds, with the expectation she’d grow to be 50-150 pounds. In less than two years, she grew to 500 pounds and is about 650 pounds today! Her humans believe she must have been just a runt of a litter of farm pigs.
Derek and Steve were already animal lovers before they got Esther. But after getting to know and love her, they set out to help all animals. They became vegan, along with Esther. They started sharing Esther on social media, giving people a chance to know her as well and see her fun personality and intelligence. They hope that when people see what a wonderful pig Esther is, they will be more compassionate to all animals.

As her popularity grew, Esther eventually opened her own animal sanctuary in Ontario, Canada, called the “Happily Ever Esther Farm Sanctuary”. Here Esther and her humans rescue and rehabilitate abandoned and abused farm animals. In 2016, she also published her first book, titled “Esther the Wonder Pig: Changing the World One Heart at a Time”.
MUST READ: Lulu the pig who “played dead” to save her owner’s life.
If you’d like to learn more about Esther, visit her at:, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.