• | To draw out, and twist into threads, either by the hand or machinery; as, to spin wool, cotton, or flax; to spin goat's hair; to produce by drawing out and twisting a fibrous material. |
• | To draw out tediously; to form by a slow process, or by degrees; to extend to a great length; -- with out; as, to spin out large volumes on a subject. |
• | To protract; to spend by delays; as, to spin out the day in idleness. |
• | To cause to turn round rapidly; to whirl; to twirl; as, to spin a top. |
• | To form (a web, a cocoon, silk, or the like) from threads produced by the extrusion of a viscid, transparent liquid, which hardens on coming into contact with the air; -- said of the spider, the silkworm, etc. |
• | To shape, as malleable sheet metal, into a hollow form, by bending or buckling it by pressing against it with a smooth hand tool or roller while the metal revolves, as in a lathe. |
• | To practice spinning; to work at drawing and twisting threads; to make yarn or thread from fiber; as, the woman knows how to spin; a machine or jenny spins with great exactness. |
• | To move round rapidly; to whirl; to revolve, as a top or a spindle, about its axis. |
• | To stream or issue in a thread or a small current or jet; as, blood spinsfrom a vein. |
• | To move swifty; as, to spin along the road in a carriage, on a bicycle, etc. |
• | The act of spinning; as, the spin of a top; a spin a bicycle. |
• | Velocity of rotation about some specified axis. |