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Anne Hathaways cream dress at the Love & Other Drugs premiere


Last night was the premiere of Love & Other Drugs, which stars two of the most in-demand younger actors, Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway. They both looked nice, in my opinion. Neither really knocked it out of the park, but both gave it a good effort. Anne wore a cream Antonio Berardi dress, with those strange little flares at the hips, like most women need extra fabric right there to draw the eye…? The shoes are Sergio Rossi. Most notably about Anne is that she’s begun to seriously lighten her traditionally chocolate-colored hair. On her Vogue cover, she had some red highlights, but now Anne has gotten even more. The red looks nice on her, and I have to give her credit: this is some of the best styling I’ve ever seen her with. Usually Anne gets it wrong somehow, with too severe hair or makeup that is too garish, but her hair and makeup are quite lovely here.


The premiere comes on the heels of Jake Gyllenhaal’s Esquire UK cover interview… Jake talked a lot about the many, many sex scenes in the film:

He said to UK’s Esquire magazine: ‘We talked about what we thought was sexy, about what were the things that interested us, and through the discussion became pretty intimate with each other.’

He added: ‘There’s something about the way Annie and I both work which is inherently very musical. It’s all about rhythm. There’s a rhythm to writing, there’s a rhythm to sports, there’s a rhythm to sex.’

‘I was naked a lot in the movie. I was naked in more of it than was even in the final cut. A director’s cut? I don’t even know how that would be rated.’

For her part, Hathaway adds: ‘I don’t think there’s anything wrong with nudity in film, and I would hope that any actor that is asked to reveal that part of themselves has as loving and open an experience as we had.’

[From The Daily Mail]

Sounds like they had a nice time working together – looks like I was wrong. I thought they didn’t really care for each other personally, ever since they did Brokeback Mountain and it seemed like everyone was treating Anne like she was “the a–hole” of the cast. I have to admit… I want to see this movie. I probably won’t see it at the theatre, but it’s definitely a rental.

Oh, and Jake’s “girlfriend” Taylor Swift didn’t make it to the premiere. From what I can see, she had to fly to Canada to promote her album.

Photos courtesy of WENN.
